Erasmus+ Dénia

Van 15 tot en met 21 mei trokken zes leerlingen en twee leerkrachten naar Spanje voor het Erasmus+-project 'Sol'Arts'.

It’s been a few weeks since we left with six students and two teachers to Spain, and I still miss it every day.

To be honest, in the beginning I was a bit scared, because not everyone knew each other well the first day and we didn’t say much, but those feelings went away really fast. So we had a chance to get to know each other (the Belgians that is), during the first trip, when we spent quite a lot of hours travelling.

I’m still sad that we didn’t sleep with a guest family, but I think that our group of Belgium got, thanks to that, stronger. It went a bit different from the years before that and I think if we’d stay with a family we would also bond faster with the other countries. I enjoyed every minute of it! I miss talking to other students in another language, learning about each other’s countries, most of all I miss the new friends I made in Spain and it hurts to realize that I might never see them again. I was really tired when I came back, because we walked a lot and it was incredibly hot, but I don’t regret a second of being there and I’d do it all over again if I had a chance to. I learned to not be scared and always try and do your best, I’m really thankful for this adventure. This memory will always have a special place in my heart.

Anna-Noor Van Hoorde (klas 22)